
Just for fun!

Typography 27, p56
Muthesius Kunsthovhschule Kiel (School), Rene Siegfried, student project

I had to share these just because. I loved the art created by the letters. I like how the "girl" is present in each scene and how she seems to take on a different personality based on the angles of the letters used to create her. For example, if the d used to create her head is tilted more horizontally, she looks like she's looking up. Each rectangle seems to represent a new geographical destination and the last last rectangle shows all roads lead to the same place, but I'm not sure what that means. Maybe all letters serve the same universal purpose?
The fonts being promoted include Futura Book, Adobe Garamond, Shelley Andante Script, and Zentenar-Fraktur.

1 comment:

Miriam Martincic said...

Lovely and playful. The illustrations are complete and expressive and the type is is not distorted to achieve the effect.

Good find!
